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LearningBuilder 9.7: Release Notes

by | Product Features and Releases

Release 9.7 – February 2019

  • Major Improvement: The Learning Plan Instance attribute allows for Nested Applications, which can be used to implement Facility-level certifications.
  • Enhancement: Custom database procedure can be automatically executed after a Learning Plan Instance is created; provides a hook for performing custom business logic when an application is started
  • Enhancement: USAePay integration is more reliable; edge cases that could lead to orphaned payments were addressed
  • Enhancement: Learning Plan Requirements can filter by Workflow Status; can be used in conjunction w/ Nested Applications to ensure that the Facility-level application cannot be submitted until at least one of the Key Staff applications has reached a specific step in its own process
  • Integration: LearningBuilder can redirect to a 3rd party authentication service to validate SSO credentials


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