Portfolio Review
Optimize the evaluations your professional community requires:
Use LearningBuilder to manage your portfolio-based assessments.

Use our portfolio review tools to simplify complex processes and achieve success with your assessments.

For certain professions and stages of career development, a test might not be the most appropriate means to assess competency and professional growth.
Rather than a traditional high-stakes exam, a performance-based certification (or portfolio review) provides evidence of professional practice in context.
With this model, your organization sets the specific standards for quality and a process for the applicant to submit their work. Once submitted, that work is evaluated against those standards. Criteria for both submission and review can vary widely between programs.
If an evidenced-based portfolio review process is more suited to your industry’s needs, you’ll need a way to track and manage your organization’s highly specialized requirements, materials, and review criteria. You also need a system that can assign reviewers and maximize efficiency in the review process while minimizing administrative load.
With LearningBuilder, you can effectively implement comprehensive, high-touch portfolio review processes — without over-burdening your staff.
Use LearningBuilder’s portfolio application and review tools to:
- Create an easy-to-use application for the applicant to provide narrative and supporting evidence in each required domain area
- Ensure applicants submit complete applications with the required materials in the correct forms and formats
- Establish review rubrics for consistent assessment of work product
- Assign reviewers and handle requests for clarification with minimal oversight
- Effectively collect the feedback of board members, third-party reviewers, peers, and other industry experts
- Analyze reviewer responses for consistency, timeliness, and bias