Accreditation Management Software
Streamline your systems and create an organized application, assuring standard-by-standard compliance.

Accreditation is a comprehensive, multi-faceted process.
That doesn’t mean it has to be difficult.

Like all the best accreditation programs, you’ve got high standards and detailed requirements for supporting materials. You need an online accreditation platform that can handle all the components and communications — plus, a high volume of supporting documentation and evidence.
You need LearningBuilder.
We’ll improve the organizational experience of seeking and maintaining accreditation. We’ll also optimize your staff’s time by automating routine communications, providing direct guidance to applicants within the system, and consolidating supporting information.
What sets LearningBuilder apart among accreditation software platforms? We don’t just have the fundamentals covered:
Configure “time oriented” business rules
Manage your unique application and renewal cycles, as well as your procedures around exceptions, all without the heavy lift of custom-coded software.
Create unique workflows
Organizations are not people, and people are not organizations. LearningBuilder can create a clear pathway for each and every member of your accreditation ecosystem, guiding them to success within the specific roles they perform.
Store all of your documents in one place
Accreditation is a complicated process that requires a wide variety of documentation to validate against your standards. Having a single place to store all of this information means your staff can easily find and evaluate documents and request clarification when needed. Plus, with an application that also serves as a checklist, your applicants can view their progress at-a-glance.
Manage site visits
Onsite evaluations for initial accreditation, ongoing accreditation, and compliance are a key component of many accreditation processes. With LearningBuilder, you can organize your evaluations according a variety of criteria, and your evaluators can consistently track their findings for committee review.

We can also help expand the scope of your online accreditation program:
Train your evaluators and reviewers
No LMS needed: LearningBuilder lets you deliver eLearning content to keep your evaluators current on your application standards, all within the same platform they’ll use to perform their reviews.
Support external stakeholders
Accreditation often involves individuals from multiple organizations or multiple evaluators of complex standards. LearningBuilder allows you to engage these external parties to effectively fulfill their responsibilities and keep your accreditation management running smoothly.
Use your data in meaningful ways
Does your industry expect you to have data at your fingertips? LearningBuilder’s powerful Reporting Module sets you up for organizational success. We provide a state-of-the-art toolset to measure detailed analytics and make data-driven decisions.